I coach head coaches in elite sport
Author of Second Set Of Eyes, The Tough Stuff, Where Others Won’t
Former Head Coach of AFL Team Canada
Hi – I’m Cody.
I’m a second set of eyes for head coaches in elite sports.
I believe that 1-on-1 coaching is the most effective way to accelerate your performance.
My teaching focuses on the deep craft of the head coaching position, pushing you
towards excellence in the four domains you are required to master:
Yourself, the Organization, the Locker Room, the Game.
With high skill and high support in these areas, you’ll transcend the ability to give a championship performance, and become a coach that’s capable of building a juggernaut.
Where my work has taken me
What I teach head coaches
My 1-on-1 coaching uses a series of original concepts that I have battle tested in the competitive arena.
Personal Craft
Start At The End,
End At The StartEnergyMap™️
Chronic Individualism
The Curse of More
You’re Hired For Your Brain
Organizational Craft
Teach Up
Great Organizations Have Great Organization
Don’t Beat Yourself Before The Game
Locker Room Craft
You Win In The Meeting Room First
Be A Comedian
The (Not So) Invisible Hand
Create Rituals That Create Belonging
Game Craft
What Does This Team Need At This Time?
Train Moments,
Not MovementsAre You Helping?
The Game Decides
Tactical Warfare
How to get started
Coaching is a highly personal endeavour, so let’s book a discovery call to figure out if we like each other, and whether I’m the right coach for you.
During discovery, I’m going to ask you three questions:
What are you trying to achieve?
Who do you want to be as you achieve it?
What stands in your way right now?
It would be helpful if you have a personal development budget or a pot of money to work with.
For a starter program, the investment is 5,000 USD for 3 months together.
I also offer 6-month and 12-month options.
If we decide to work together, I’ll guide you through ‘onboarding,’ where we map out a fully customized, hand-crafted program for you.
This is where we’ll pair your vision, experience and context with my original concepts.
My ask is that for the duration of our time together, you commit to 1-hour per week of protected time for 1-on-1 meetings, as well as regular dialogue via WhatsApp.
Like all crafts, the pursuit of mastery is often about skill refinement rather than skill addition.
As you change, your context changes, and new opportunities arise, we will continue to adapt and refine to make sure your coaching craft is keeping you at the cutting edge of what’s possible.

“I believe that the greatest source of competitive advantage available to your team — right now — is the optimization of the head coach.”
I’ve written three books which chronicle my journey in coaching and leadership.
Second Set Of Eyes reimagines head coaching for the contemporary sporting landscape, moving us past self-help and self-education, to peer support and guided learning.
The Tough Stuff looks at the emotional toll of head the head coaching position, and explores how the weight impacts a coach's ability to perform when it matters most.
Where Others Won’t investigates how intelligent teams are able to organize and utilize their people to create competitive advantage, and drive innovation.
Each week, I read an autobiography from one of history’s great head coaches and write a blog about what I learned.
Our coaching ancestors have left us with a treasure trove of craft knowledge, and it would be reckless to not use it to help find shortcuts, set us on the right path, or remind us that we’re not alone.
Pay Attention To Details
What Bill Belichick noticed during the Super Bowl comeback.
To Have A Team, Involve Your Team
How Pat Summit chose the 1984 US Olympic team.
How Alex Ferguson learned the craft of coaching.
Where Others Won’t is my podcast where I’ve interviewed 114 of the world’s best thinkers from sports, business, and academia. Each episode is finely crafted to uncover the leadership and culture secrets of the world’s best teams.
In the media
My work has been featured by publications in Canada, Australia, Germany, Hungary, and USA.